This website provides links to a short multi-language survey designed to capture important aspects of your and your household's behaviour and attitudes to food during this time of pandemic. Your participation will be highly appreciated and help us to understand how food systems, as a central aspect of our lives, can be improved for everyone’s benefit over the longer term. The questionnaire is the first phase of an ongoing research agenda that will provide important evidence and recommendations for all actors in the food system as it is strained and disrupted by Covid-19 over both the short and the longer term. The first round questionnaire is now closed but...
April 2022: see the latest research results:

This research is an independent initiative that is entirely free from any political, commercial or vested interest. None of the questions require that you provide information that can be used to identify you or your household. All data will be treated anonymously and confidentially at every stage of the research that fully complies with the EU's GDPR regulations.
To fill in the questionnaire as an ordinary person or householder, it's important that you select and use only one of the language versions currently available. (If you start using one language and then wish to switch to another, you will need to delete your browser history.) You can use the language version you prefer regardless of where you actually live. We will be very grateful for all the answers you can provide. It takes between 10-15 minutes.
If you have an interest in the research and have comments or questions, see the research agenda page and contact the coordinator below.
Some of the organisations behind the research are shown below.
The European Food-Covid-19 Network